Wednesday, March 16, 2005

not much worth writing about, eh?

Well, we just thought it was spring. Really, it doesn't start until what, the 20th? 21st? And with tomorrow being St. Patrick's day & all, it's time to plant potatoes. The past weekend threatened rain, but it pretty much held off, with only a few sprinkles on the windshield. We tried to go to the Easter Bash held out at Lockheed RA, but the door lock jammed, and I couldn't get the door closed. I drove the van home hanging on to the door to keep it from flying open. Logan got home shortly after I did, managed to fix the door, and get us out to the picnic just as it was winding up, despite another 2 hours scheduled. The kids didn't even get to enter their Easter bonnets in the contest which was supposed to happen 1 1/2 hours after we had arrived, but had already been held. I was very disappointed and somewhat pissed. We went ahead and left, and made it home in time to round up the dog and take him to the low cost rabies clinic. We had to wait in line over THREE hours, but we managed to get Bashful vaccinated and microchipped for a total of $14.00. The day was redeemed by Weyland having a blast playing on the playground equipment and Brighid meeting a girl who like anime as much as she does. Brighid got the little girl's IM screen name, so that's another anime nut added to her buddy list.

I went to the dentist today to find out that I have three million cavities. The "treatment specialist" was out today, so it will be tomorrow before I find out just how much it's going to cost, getting all my cavities filled as well as a crown and perhaps a root canal. Joy. Joy, joy, joy, joy, joy. It's a good thing I don't fear the dentist. I just resent the fact that the dentist never seems able to do everything in just one or two visits.

Like I said, tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day, and people at work are going to wear green and bring snacks. It's an excuse to have a party. They love parties, my co-workers. I'm going to attempt to make cookies tonight. If they get burnt or end up tasting like crap, I'm going to take cold cuts and cheese. I guess green beer is out of the question.

I'm going to run to Big Lots! to see if they have any shamrock shaped cookie cutters. Also, I need green food color to make green sugar. I may buy a lottery ticket as well. Can't win if you don't play.

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