Saturday, March 26, 2005

Happy Bunny Day

God is a mountain, and everyone in the world stands on the mountain - yet no two people can see exactly the same view. Or so my mother taught me. She learned this from Father Hoover, of all the Catholic priests she knew, the man with which she had the fiercest love/hate relationship. I always suspected they had had an affair, yet years after she was killed, I read in the paper that he had been accused of a homosexual relationship with a young adult. Vickie, my mom's best friend, contends that in a past life, Father Hoover was the captain of a ship, my mother was the Chanteyman, and she was on board to witness the captain have the chanteyman keelhauled, not port to starboard, as is the usual manner, but bow to stern.

Logan claims to be an unreconstructed Celt, whatever the hell that means. I'm ambivalent about God, as I've always believed a truly loving god/God would step in and alleviate pain and suffering, rather than allow it to exist. Also, my scientifc mind can find no evidence of life after death. But being the child of two highly spiritual (albeit in highly diverse ways) people, I'm just superstitous enough to recognize some holidays just in case.

We rarely do little more than fix a nice meal, say a prayer, and have an Easter egg hunt for the kids. So should I bother dying eggs tonight and hiding them tomorrow, when:
1. It's almost 7 p.m., and I haven't started yet.
2. It's supposed to be rainy and cold tomorrow, which makes for crappy Easter egg hunts.
3. Logan is sick as a dog and doesn't give a damn if tomorrow even comes.
4. My children suspect I'm the Easter bunny.
5. I'd rather play online spades than make a mess in the kitchen.
6. I'm trying to think up a bunch of excuses rather than go get the damned stuff to dye eggs.

Oh, hell, I guess I'll dye eggs tonight, even though I LOATHE boiled eggs.

After all, aren't the children entitled to their chocolate and marshmallow secularized (if that's even a word) holiday? Our country (Madison Avenue?) seems to be doing the same thing to Easter as what has been done to Christmas. I mean, isn't it really a supplanted pagan holiday anyway? Eggs = fertility, Easter = Eostre, and Easter sunrise services seem to have replaced the Pagan custom of welcoming the sun God at the vernal equinox.

So Happy Bunny Day, everyone!

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