Well, it's almost midnight, so if I'm going to get a word in edgewise for today, I've got to write fast. I've made a decision to transfer to a different department or quit at work. I can make almost double in Dallas what I'm making in Fort Worth, but it would mean a long commute, which I truly would like to avoid. Twenty years ago, I would have moved to Dallas in a heartbeat, but we'd have to fix up the house before we could sell it, and then there's the Dallas schools....
Why is it we can't see what it is we want to be when we grow up until we're already grown up? Well, not sure that I really am grown up just yet. I still have trouble keeping a rein on my spending, but I'm convinced that I don't want to be doing what I'm currently doing.
My job description is accounts payable clerk, but like I wrote in my profile, I'm a peon, a flunky, a functionary. I should have known better several months back when KcahsOidar told me I couldn't wear white socks to work. Any company concerned with my color of hosiery isn't paying enough attention to the bottom line.
Analyzing what I want vs. what I don't want in a job, I've concluded that short of being independently wealthy, I'd prefer to be a writer, a teacher, or a librarian. I'm tired of not having off work on days like Veterans' Day, Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve, & etc. I want more time with my kids. They're growing up so fast that I can hardly remember what they were like as babies.
The big question is to work or not to work. My sweetie said I could quit working when I had my bills paid off, and I was almost there, but when my daughter was hit by a car this past summer, I spent lots of money (on credit cards, of course), buying things for her and taking her places when she got out of the hospital. So now I'm back to square one.
I miss being a stay at home mom, but money is an issue all the time. I hate not having my own money to spend as I see fit, and my SO is extremely tight. He has a sort of 1950's mentality about the way the house is run. Maybe I just need a little time off, then I'll feel recharged enough to get back in the work force. I was looking for a job when I found the one I have now, after all. I just wish I had found one that doesn't suck as much as this one does.
Well, gotta get to be now. More later.
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