Sunday, July 17, 2005

Why Bother?

I'm seriously starting to wonder why I should bother blogging. I go for days at a time either forgetting to do so, or not finding time to do so. Last week, for example, my youngest daughter turned 13, to no fanfare of any kind. That's because for over two months, she had been threatened with having her birthday cancelled if she didn't get her room cleaned. I reminded her regularly, once a week for six weeks, then once a day for a week, then several times a day up until her birthday. Come Bastille Day, her room still was dirty. Not just dirty, filthy, a health hazard. I can no longer enter without fear of falling and not being able to get up. No one would be able to find me, either, the clutter is so deep. There is a fruit fly infestation (which is what started my dire threat in the first place), things are lost, and I fear the two missing cats may have lost their way in there as well. I hate having to be Mean Mommy, but once I gave the "old tomato" (ultimatum), I had to follow through.

My thirteenth birthday went unnoticed by my mother as well. I recall my dad came over to chaperone the party held at the house my 17 year old sister and I live in alone, unsupervised, but he left around 10 p.m. or so, when the party broke up, unaware I was on my way to Mario's house less than a block away, where I was deflowered for my first birthday as a teenager.

Logan did bring home a chocolate cake for Brighid, but I suspect he used that as his excuse for buying it. It was a sinfully fudgey, chocolatey cake with shaved chocolate curls embedded in the frosting, and fudgey, gooey filling between the layers. Just a small slice made my teeth hurt. Man, was it good.

Yesterday, I embarked upon a cleaning jag. I took everything off the shelf Brighid broke in my nice wooden bookself, repaired (after a fashion) the shelf, and then rearranged the books so that the heavy ones aren't on the broken side. I went through scads of paper and mail, sorting it into recycle, shred, and file piles. I folded about four baskets of laundry and hope to get it put away today. I am quite the procrastinator when it comes to actually putting away the laundry. I've got a bit more to do tonight, such as take the trash from the bathroom and the bedroom to the kitchen, but after that, my room should be back to normal.

Logan has been looking at houses, and has found one that might work for us. It's in south Arlington, and has over 3400 square feet. That's more than triple what we have now. It would make a huge difference -- we'd be able to unclutter the house. Just having a kitchen big enough to swing a cat in would be grand, and having a huge master bathroom with double sinks and a giant bathtub would be wonderful. But it would cost around $600 a month at least, and I'm not sure we should take the plunge yet. The best idea is to spend a year paying down debt, getting our vehicle situation in good shape, and making repairs to the house we own now. But the idea of having a nice, new, huge house is almost too tempting to turn down. Logan thinks we'd be able to make some improvements to the house and be able to sell it for a profit in a couple of years. I'm just nervous about the whole thing, but I'm hoping the best thing is the new house. It would certainly help with the impetus to clean and de-clutter this one.

Well, I'm tired, and need to go fix dinner. More later.

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