Tuesday, April 19, 2005

It's a too-mah!

More skin afflictions. I'm starting to feel like Job. Maybe I have leprosy. Or the plague. Most likely, it's just irritation caused by the lovely stress incontinence, but it could be Bartholin's gland cysts, a tumor, or (very unlikely) cancer. The indignity is worse than with the butt crack rash, especially since I haven't shaved my legs in, oh, a year maybe. Why bother? I can't reach the backs of them, so I end up looking like some weird skunk, with a hairy stripe down the backs of my legs. I was surprised to actually get an appointment today. I figured it would be a week, at least. So today, at 2:45, I get to cross the parking lot to the Patient Care Center here at the medical school and have my nether region investigated. Oh, the joy!

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