Dateline: 04/19/05
fizziecoffee (12:59:47 PM): well, I just got off the phone with my cousin Marc in LA.
fizziecoffee (1:00:02 PM): He's going to be here a week from Friday and we're going out
fizziecoffee (1:00:03 PM): lol
lymadelina (1:00:13 PM): to where?
fizziecoffee (1:00:19 PM): He's going to be ready for some "bonding" HAHAHHA
fizziecoffee (1:00:35 PM): anything gay.
fizziecoffee (1:00:48 PM): or otherwise. hahaha. I'm just certain that he's going to want to be entertained
lymadelina (1:00:49 PM): where are you flying out to?
fizziecoffee (1:01:09 PM): Oh, no, I'm not flying out to anywhere. He and his aunt are flying IN
fizziecoffee (1:01:24 PM): and he's going to want to escape. Apparently she never shuts up
lymadelina (1:01:54 PM): oh
fizziecoffee (1:04:04 PM): So, anyway, he's a hoot
lymadelina (1:04:18 PM): sounds fun
lymadelina (1:04:30 PM): you'll have to introduce me to him
fizziecoffee (1:04:43 PM): We'll pick a night
fizziecoffee (1:07:37 PM): I am so fucking hungry
fizziecoffee (1:08:07 PM): I shouldn't be hungry at all. I've eaten enough for 6 people in the last 3 days. You'd think I was either pregnant or a friggin weight lifter
lymadelina (1:16:34 PM): or maybe you have a tape worm
fizziecoffee (1:17:10 PM): doubtful. I'd look emaciate. I'm FAR from it
lymadelina (1:17:38 PM): just a thought
lymadelina (1:17:50 PM): it could be recent, not enough time to look emaciated.
fizziecoffee (1:17:55 PM): HAHA
fizziecoffee (1:18:06 PM): and just where the hell would i have gotten a tapeworm from?
fizziecoffee (1:18:57 PM): Oh my goodness. This resume is awful and it's going to take more than an hour to fix
fizziecoffee (1:18:59 PM): Lordy
lymadelina (1:20:00 PM): um... the gettin' place??
fizziecoffee (1:20:32 PM): I'm not sure what that means
fizziecoffee (1:20:54 PM): what DO you mean?
fizziecoffee (1:21:03 PM): what is "the gettin' place"?
fizziecoffee (1:21:23 PM): I'm just a little black raincloud...hovering over...your honey tree
lymadelina (1:21:26 PM): that's what Pappy used to say if you asked him where he got something
fizziecoffee (1:21:34 PM): LOL
fizziecoffee (1:21:35 PM): HAHAHAH
lymadelina (1:21:37 PM): hey, even honeytress need rain
fizziecoffee (1:21:43 PM): Sorry, I'm not up on my Pappyisms
lymadelina (1:21:44 PM): honey trees
lymadelina (1:21:48 PM): LOL
fizziecoffee (1:21:49 PM): buahhahahahaha
fizziecoffee (1:22:01 PM): THAT will be my new intro line on my yahoo personals
lymadelina (1:24:02 PM): you remember chicken butt
lymadelina (1:24:05 PM): turkey trot
fizziecoffee (1:24:10 PM): sure
lymadelina (1:24:15 PM): baby elephant walk is Logan's addition to that line
fizziecoffee (1:24:19 PM): but not "from the gettin' place"
fizziecoffee (1:24:30 PM): hahaha
fizziecoffee (1:24:43 PM): PINK ELEPHANTS ON PARADE!
lymadelina (1:24:55 PM): one of my favorite things is how on Valentine's Day, he'd go around all day making poems
fizziecoffee (1:25:08 PM): who, Logan? or Pappy?
fizziecoffee (1:25:56 PM): NO, but I seen a housefly!!!
lymadelina (1:26:25 PM): Pappy
fizziecoffee (1:26:46 PM): I'm having Disney flashbacks
lymadelina (1:26:46 PM): "Roses are red and sometimes yellow... I'd like to be your Valentine's fellow."
fizziecoffee (1:26:54 PM): back when it was witty, not broadway
fizziecoffee (1:27:27 PM): We now would like to induct the following persons into the St. Valentine's fellowship
lymadelina (1:31:14 PM): apples are red and sometimes green... you're the best Valentine I've ever seen
lymadelina (1:31:21 PM): :)
fizziecoffee (1:33:28 PM): Chicken soup smells so good, I like the broth, You, on the other hand, smell like a Visigoth
fizziecoffee (1:34:53 PM): Valentine's is over, This much is true, So wait 'til next year, For your poetry brew
fizziecoffee (1:36:09 PM): it's the BAD POETRY AWARD
fizziecoffee (1:37:28 PM): Roses start out red then warp to speckles of pink, Those little bee geneticists, I wonder what they must think!
fizziecoffee (1:38:46 PM): I'm crummy at this game, for 'tis been a while since I've played,
lymadelina (1:38:52 PM): :)
fizziecoffee (1:39:02 PM): If I blunder once again, in bed I should have stayed.
lymadelina (1:39:14 PM): but there's a new Pope, so your soul is saved!!
fizziecoffee (1:39:19 PM): OH?
fizziecoffee (1:39:23 PM): no more black smog?
fizziecoffee (1:40:17 PM): do tell
lymadelina (1:43:43 PM):
lymadelina (1:44:03 PM): or go to
fizziecoffee (1:44:42 PM): FIRST GERMAN POPE IN CENTURIES
fizziecoffee (1:44:46 PM): LOL
fizziecoffee (1:44:53 PM): yeah, I WONDER WHY
lymadelina (1:45:58 PM): He was a Hitler Youth
lymadelina (1:46:08 PM): has "atoned" wtf ever that means
lymadelina (1:46:43 PM): I think all Germans during that time period were involved, or under suspicion themselves
fizziecoffee (1:48:00 PM): I would think it was a form of patriotism. That, and the fear of not belonging to the group meant that you would be executed
fizziecoffee (1:51:34 PM): Where did you find that factual tidbit?
fizziecoffee (1:51:41 PM): I only read through the main story
lymadelina (1:54:39 PM): Heard it on the evening news a couple of nights ago.
fizziecoffee (1:56:49 PM): NICE
fizziecoffee (1:56:50 PM): lol
fizziecoffee (1:57:24 PM): Hitler Youth takes Rome. Reinstates curfew for all non-catholics
lymadelina (1:57:28 PM):
fizziecoffee (1:57:47 PM): "CIRCUMCISION IS A SIN AGAINST GOD"
fizziecoffee (1:57:51 PM): News at Eleven
lymadelina (1:58:13 PM): lol
fizziecoffee (2:01:25 PM): "Angry homosexuals firebomb Sistine chapel. Carabiniere are baffled and cannot stop the looting. Red velvet shredded throughout the streets of Roma, people screaming 'Non gridi per me, Argentina!'"
fizziecoffee (2:01:28 PM): News at Five
lymadelina (2:03:06 PM): ROTFLMAO
fizziecoffee (2:03:39 PM): "Italian buddhists have begun immolating themselves on the steps of the Vatican. Mayhem ensues as the local firefighters cannot put them out. Investigators believe they have been wearing POLYESTER robes."
fizziecoffee (2:03:44 PM): News at Eleven
fizziecoffee (2:04:08 PM): Pope declares WAR on all non-catholics
lymadelina (2:05:33 PM): Swiss Guard attacks? In THOSE clothes??
fizziecoffee (2:05:46 PM): lol
fizziecoffee (2:06:49 PM): "Jewish Drag Queens Storm Vatican Doors. Oy! I Broke A Nail!"
fizziecoffee (2:10:18 PM): "I'll gefilte your fish, you dirty old HAG!" was heard being shouted by one particularly statuesque Golda Meir impersonator.
fizziecoffee (2:11:47 PM): "Turkey Makes Surprise Move and Changes National Religion From Islam To Catholicism. Italy Fears International Buggery."
lymadelina (2:13:38 PM): OMG, stop it. I'm running of of Kleenex.
lymadelina (2:13:43 PM): ROTFLMAO
fizziecoffee (2:13:49 PM): LMAO
fizziecoffee (2:13:52 PM): you're joking
fizziecoffee (2:13:53 PM): hahahah
lymadelina (2:14:11 PM): just glad I'm not wearing mascara
fizziecoffee (2:14:18 PM): hahahhahaha
lymadelina (2:15:20 PM): I just retrieved my Coke from the freezer. mmmm slushy
fizziecoffee (2:15:30 PM): "Pope Benedict Keeps It On The DL. Turkey Opens Doors To Kurdish Minorities. Shah Comments 'WHOOPS'"
fizziecoffee (2:15:45 PM): Yummy, Coke slushy
fizziecoffee (2:15:57 PM): I am having plain ol' vanilla diet coke on ice
fizziecoffee (2:16:14 PM): it's SO synthetic. I'd almost swear I was drinking vinyl
lymadelina (2:16:59 PM): just drink water if you don't want calories
lymadelina (2:17:03 PM): why bother?
fizziecoffee (2:18:05 PM): oh, it's not the calories, it's the sugar I'm avoiding. I don't enjoy the hypoglycemic crash afterwards
fizziecoffee (2:18:34 PM): Makes me nauseous, gives me the shakes, headache, and shortness of breath
fizziecoffee (2:19:00 PM): it's not just an "ooh, I'm really tired now" thing
lymadelina (2:19:30 PM): hmm
fizziecoffee (2:19:33 PM): it's more of an "ooh, I really fucked up and shouldn't have had that much sugar all at once
lymadelina (2:19:34 PM): too bad
fizziecoffee (2:22:20 PM): Pope Declares All Non-Catholics Unclean. Shocking International Handshake with China...No Washie, No Savie! Millions Flock To Yangtzee River Baptize-Fest.
fizziecoffee (2:28:41 PM): I'm having visions of middle-aged men wearing plaid short shorts, knee-high white socks and white button-down shirts and blue ties, goose-stepping down the streets
fizziecoffee (2:28:59 PM): OMG, it's the Benedict Youth!
fizziecoffee (2:29:00 PM): RUN!
lymadelina (2:37:55 PM): don't forget the sandals
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