Friday, April 29, 2005

Blind, and Batty, Too!

I had my eyes checked at the health fair here on campus Wednesday. WITH my glasses on, my distance vision was 20/40 in one eye and 20/50 in the other. So I'm going to the eye doctor tomorrow. I thought I noticed a change recently, but GAD, that's bad. I'm going to try to do contacts again. Now that the kids are no longer in diapers, I have a little more time in the morning to fait ma toilette. If nothing else, I can wear my glasses until I get to work and then put the contacts in once I get here. My reading vision is still fine, thank goodness. I'm sure it's only a matter of time, though, before the near and far fields pass each other headed opposite directions. Herbie and I were talking about having Lasik surgery done this year, now that we're both 40, but since my eyes aren't through changing, it will have to be a while. Besides that, my Payflex medical fund has been drastically reduced by having hundreds of cavities filled in Brighid's mouth.

Logan is now out from under Chapter 13 bankruptcy. He paid it completely off last month. So now begins the house repair saga which will, I'm sure, last as long as the Nibelungen Cycle. The major repairs (roof - AGAIN, foundation, and kitchen floor) probably won't happen until he's able to secure a home improvement loan, but small stuff such as broken windows, window screens, a few small plumbing projects, and painting can be done a little bit at a time. Our goal is to fix up the house, pay down our debt to improve our credit scores, sell the house, and buy a new house in a better school district. As a disabled vet with a 100% disability rating, Logan is eligible for a home loan at 5% with no down payment and no closing costs if he takes a home which is a VA foreclosure. Can't beat that with a stick. Eventually, we'd like to find a property with at least 5 acres, but we will most likely have to go to a moderately nice house in the meanwhile. My participation in all this will consist mostly of de-cluttering and de-funkifying the house we're in now -- a Herculean task, for sure.

I can't remember if I've already written about Paul, the son I placed for adoption back when I was in college. (I'm too lazy to look through the log here.) I made contact a couple of months ago with his mother, Jean. She gave my email address to Paul, and since then, we've been writing on and off. He's like me in that he can be very blunt, perhaps painfully so. I let him know I'm the same way, and have no problems telling him anything he wants to know. So I told him the truth about his father, that being that it was just a one-night stand with a guy I barely knew, a friend of a friend. I wasn't the abandoned girlfriend left to twist in the wind is the point. He seemed to deal okay with that knowledge, so I gave him a link to a website where he could read about the events that lead to the execution of Bill Chappell. I haven't written anything about Chappell, but I've been thinking of doing so, if only for the catharsis that will come of it. Of course, it would be cool if a book did emanate from my musings, but I have no real ending for a book yet, so only time will tell.

Socrates said, "An unexamined life is not worth living." Still, I have to wonder if it is a sound philosophy. There are many things that happened surrounding the murders of my mother, father, and sister, which are as unnamed files that can't be immediately accessed. Once in a while, someone will say something which causes an unnamed memory to surface, and there are also some ugly things which might be too hurtful - mainly to others - to let out into the light of day, but for the most part, I think writing about all the unpleasantness, even when painful, will be a good thing.

On a totally unrelated note, it is a good thing that today I finished my course of antibiotics, and was finally able to take the antifungal pill (just one!) the doctor prescribed for the unbearable external yeast infection which has been causing me to itch like the fury. Tonight, I may bathe in plain yogurt for good measure. The only thing that has kept me from scratching myself raw is that any labial abrasions sting like hell when urine passes over them. TMI? LOL

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

A Good Time Was Had By All

Saturday was Girls Night Out. Susan picked me up, and we all met at Shellie's new house, which I like much better than Herbie's house, since it's easier to get to. Not to bash Herbie's digs, but her house looks like a furniture showroom, too perfect, and not cozy at all. I'm always afraid I'm going to ruin something. We didn't have to pay a Sherpa guide to make it up the driveway. At Shellie's, we mostly sat at the kitchen table and then on the lawn furniture in the sunroom since the new couch is going back to be replaced by a darker color. We didn't want to risk spilling margaritas on it if it's not going to stay.

Dinner was good, at Carraba's next to North East Mall. Back at Shellie's, we taught Heather how to play poker, drank margaritas, ate chocolate, strawberries and cream, and banana pudding Shellie's mother-in-law made since Shellie can't cook. I felt almost sick, it was so good. The best part, though, was just the sitting around, talking. Eric was with us, and kept saying we need to plan on going to Las Vegas for my birthday in September. If only. I won most of the hands of poker, so I kept telling the gals that we needed to be betting real money!

The party finally broke up around 3 a.m. When I got home, I noticed the slight pain I felt earlier in the night had developed into a full blown panic attack. I felt pain shooting from my jaw all the way down to my wrist -- on my left side, which can be a symptom of a heart attack. I took a Tylenol #3, but got no relief. Logan gave me a Darvocet, and then a Flexeril. After having Logan massage my arm and shoulder and taking a second Darvocet, I was finally able to fall asleep around 7 a.m. I slept 'til 4 p.m., when Eric called and woke me. After talking to him a while, I got up, brushed my teeth, peed, checked my email, made myself a cup of soup, then went back to bed at 7 p.m. to watch a little t.v., but I fell asleep until 9 p.m., when I awoke as if I'd set an alarm clock just in time to watch my new favorite show, Gray's Anatomy. It was over at 10 p.m., and I had no trouble falling asleep after calling Eric to give him an update on my pain situation.

I have been mulling over something he said about about GM cars and who might drive them. For some reason, it makes me sad. I'd drive just about anything now, considering that my ten-year old Taurus is dead, and Logan won't front me the money to fix it -- not that it's really worth fixing, mind you, when the repair bill costs more than the price I paid my sister for the car. I guess as one's financial position improves, one's ability to stomach the bourgeoisie declines. Let's just say I fondly remember sailing over the asphalt waves on I-30 in a boat of a car, a "myrna-mobile". Money is great, don't get me wrong. I'd love to have more of it, but just enough so that I could stop worrying about paying the bills, the average, garden variety bills. In a lot of ways, though, money has been a bad thing. It's kept me apart from my friends, as I can't afford to live the way they do.

This again raises the specter of writing. I'm currently mulling over the idea of writing a children's book based on a story told to me by Dennis, our former Nigerian boarder. I'd have Eric do the pictures since my drawing consists mostly of stick figures. We need to plan a meeting with Sandy and Gary, as they have actual contacts in the publishing world.

Well, this has drifted, as it usually does, from the topic I started, and lunch is almost over, so that's all for now. -30-

Friday, April 22, 2005

It Finally Came Home to Roost

I am so proud. Brighid told me the other day, "I only want to wear black clothes." Now to dig through old pictures and find one of myself, back in the "good old days", at some place like Bauhaus, dressed all in black, brooding, angst-riddled, confident of the enormity of my depression or the importance of my sorrow. ROTFLMAO

I took Brighid shopping, bought her a couple pairs of black pants, a couple of black shirts, and two new bras. 34C, almost a D, and only 12 years old. Oh my god. Logan will need to install bars on her bedroom window soon. Terrifying, absolutely terrifying.

Logan was rather depressed yesterday. After finally getting his little "john boat" repaired and in the water and having spent the previous weekend fishing, he returned to the boat where it left it docked while on the errands of picking the kids up from school and me from work to find someone swiped all his fishing equipment. I guesstimate it to be a few hundred bucks worth, at least. He just missed catching the thieves by about 5 minutes. Someone gave a description of the people and the car to the cops, but I doubt anything will come of it. Not real high on the priority list. I'm just really surprised Logan didn't have sense to put everything back in the van before leaving the boat anchored. Hell, I'm surprised he left the boat even. He's smarter than that, usually.

So now Logan is in a pissy mood (Who wouldn't be?), and has been snapping at me and the kids. Going fishing on the weekends was supposed to be his chance to blow off steam, but now it's the source of it. I'd tell him to go hunting or something this weekend, but it's Gals' Night Out to celebrate Herbie's birthday (which was March 15th), and to christen Shellie's new house by spilling margaritas on the rug or some such. Eric is going to join us, as he's an honorary member of The Gals (formerly Barbarous Brazos Broads, Bitches, or Bimbos as the case may be). I'm sure a fun time will be had by all. Details tomorrow at ten. No, wait, maybe Sunday at 6. P.M., that is.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Heil Ratzinger!

Dateline: 04/19/05

fizziecoffee (12:59:47 PM): well, I just got off the phone with my cousin Marc in LA.
fizziecoffee (1:00:02 PM): He's going to be here a week from Friday and we're going out
fizziecoffee (1:00:03 PM): lol
lymadelina (1:00:13 PM): to where?
fizziecoffee (1:00:19 PM): He's going to be ready for some "bonding" HAHAHHA
fizziecoffee (1:00:35 PM): anything gay.
fizziecoffee (1:00:48 PM): or otherwise. hahaha. I'm just certain that he's going to want to be entertained
lymadelina (1:00:49 PM): where are you flying out to?
fizziecoffee (1:01:09 PM): Oh, no, I'm not flying out to anywhere. He and his aunt are flying IN
fizziecoffee (1:01:24 PM): and he's going to want to escape. Apparently she never shuts up
lymadelina (1:01:54 PM): oh
fizziecoffee (1:04:04 PM): So, anyway, he's a hoot
lymadelina (1:04:18 PM): sounds fun
lymadelina (1:04:30 PM): you'll have to introduce me to him
fizziecoffee (1:04:43 PM): We'll pick a night
fizziecoffee (1:07:37 PM): I am so fucking hungry
fizziecoffee (1:08:07 PM): I shouldn't be hungry at all. I've eaten enough for 6 people in the last 3 days. You'd think I was either pregnant or a friggin weight lifter
lymadelina (1:16:34 PM): or maybe you have a tape worm
fizziecoffee (1:17:10 PM): doubtful. I'd look emaciate. I'm FAR from it
lymadelina (1:17:38 PM): just a thought
lymadelina (1:17:50 PM): it could be recent, not enough time to look emaciated.
fizziecoffee (1:17:55 PM): HAHA
fizziecoffee (1:18:06 PM): and just where the hell would i have gotten a tapeworm from?
fizziecoffee (1:18:57 PM): Oh my goodness. This resume is awful and it's going to take more than an hour to fix
fizziecoffee (1:18:59 PM): Lordy
lymadelina (1:20:00 PM): um... the gettin' place??
fizziecoffee (1:20:32 PM): I'm not sure what that means
fizziecoffee (1:20:54 PM): what DO you mean?
fizziecoffee (1:21:03 PM): what is "the gettin' place"?
fizziecoffee (1:21:23 PM): I'm just a little black raincloud...hovering over...your honey tree
lymadelina (1:21:26 PM): that's what Pappy used to say if you asked him where he got something
fizziecoffee (1:21:34 PM): LOL
fizziecoffee (1:21:35 PM): HAHAHAH
lymadelina (1:21:37 PM): hey, even honeytress need rain
fizziecoffee (1:21:43 PM): Sorry, I'm not up on my Pappyisms
lymadelina (1:21:44 PM): honey trees
lymadelina (1:21:48 PM): LOL
fizziecoffee (1:21:49 PM): buahhahahahaha
fizziecoffee (1:22:01 PM): THAT will be my new intro line on my yahoo personals
lymadelina (1:24:02 PM): you remember chicken butt
lymadelina (1:24:05 PM): turkey trot
fizziecoffee (1:24:10 PM): sure
lymadelina (1:24:15 PM): baby elephant walk is Logan's addition to that line
fizziecoffee (1:24:19 PM): but not "from the gettin' place"
fizziecoffee (1:24:30 PM): hahaha
fizziecoffee (1:24:43 PM): PINK ELEPHANTS ON PARADE!
lymadelina (1:24:55 PM): one of my favorite things is how on Valentine's Day, he'd go around all day making poems
fizziecoffee (1:25:08 PM): who, Logan? or Pappy?
fizziecoffee (1:25:56 PM): NO, but I seen a housefly!!!
lymadelina (1:26:25 PM): Pappy
fizziecoffee (1:26:46 PM): I'm having Disney flashbacks
lymadelina (1:26:46 PM): "Roses are red and sometimes yellow... I'd like to be your Valentine's fellow."
fizziecoffee (1:26:54 PM): back when it was witty, not broadway
fizziecoffee (1:27:27 PM): We now would like to induct the following persons into the St. Valentine's fellowship
lymadelina (1:31:14 PM): apples are red and sometimes green... you're the best Valentine I've ever seen
lymadelina (1:31:21 PM): :)
fizziecoffee (1:33:28 PM): Chicken soup smells so good, I like the broth, You, on the other hand, smell like a Visigoth
fizziecoffee (1:34:53 PM): Valentine's is over, This much is true, So wait 'til next year, For your poetry brew
fizziecoffee (1:36:09 PM): it's the BAD POETRY AWARD
fizziecoffee (1:37:28 PM): Roses start out red then warp to speckles of pink, Those little bee geneticists, I wonder what they must think!
fizziecoffee (1:38:46 PM): I'm crummy at this game, for 'tis been a while since I've played,
lymadelina (1:38:52 PM): :)
fizziecoffee (1:39:02 PM): If I blunder once again, in bed I should have stayed.
lymadelina (1:39:14 PM): but there's a new Pope, so your soul is saved!!
fizziecoffee (1:39:19 PM): OH?
fizziecoffee (1:39:23 PM): no more black smog?
fizziecoffee (1:40:17 PM): do tell
lymadelina (1:43:43 PM):
lymadelina (1:44:03 PM): or go to
fizziecoffee (1:44:42 PM): FIRST GERMAN POPE IN CENTURIES
fizziecoffee (1:44:46 PM): LOL
fizziecoffee (1:44:53 PM): yeah, I WONDER WHY
lymadelina (1:45:58 PM): He was a Hitler Youth
lymadelina (1:46:08 PM): has "atoned" wtf ever that means
lymadelina (1:46:43 PM): I think all Germans during that time period were involved, or under suspicion themselves
fizziecoffee (1:48:00 PM): I would think it was a form of patriotism. That, and the fear of not belonging to the group meant that you would be executed
fizziecoffee (1:51:34 PM): Where did you find that factual tidbit?
fizziecoffee (1:51:41 PM): I only read through the main story
lymadelina (1:54:39 PM): Heard it on the evening news a couple of nights ago.
fizziecoffee (1:56:49 PM): NICE
fizziecoffee (1:56:50 PM): lol
fizziecoffee (1:57:24 PM): Hitler Youth takes Rome. Reinstates curfew for all non-catholics
lymadelina (1:57:28 PM):
fizziecoffee (1:57:47 PM): "CIRCUMCISION IS A SIN AGAINST GOD"
fizziecoffee (1:57:51 PM): News at Eleven
lymadelina (1:58:13 PM): lol
fizziecoffee (2:01:25 PM): "Angry homosexuals firebomb Sistine chapel. Carabiniere are baffled and cannot stop the looting. Red velvet shredded throughout the streets of Roma, people screaming 'Non gridi per me, Argentina!'"
fizziecoffee (2:01:28 PM): News at Five
lymadelina (2:03:06 PM): ROTFLMAO
fizziecoffee (2:03:39 PM): "Italian buddhists have begun immolating themselves on the steps of the Vatican. Mayhem ensues as the local firefighters cannot put them out. Investigators believe they have been wearing POLYESTER robes."
fizziecoffee (2:03:44 PM): News at Eleven
fizziecoffee (2:04:08 PM): Pope declares WAR on all non-catholics
lymadelina (2:05:33 PM): Swiss Guard attacks? In THOSE clothes??
fizziecoffee (2:05:46 PM): lol
fizziecoffee (2:06:49 PM): "Jewish Drag Queens Storm Vatican Doors. Oy! I Broke A Nail!"
fizziecoffee (2:10:18 PM): "I'll gefilte your fish, you dirty old HAG!" was heard being shouted by one particularly statuesque Golda Meir impersonator.
fizziecoffee (2:11:47 PM): "Turkey Makes Surprise Move and Changes National Religion From Islam To Catholicism. Italy Fears International Buggery."
lymadelina (2:13:38 PM): OMG, stop it. I'm running of of Kleenex.
lymadelina (2:13:43 PM): ROTFLMAO
fizziecoffee (2:13:49 PM): LMAO
fizziecoffee (2:13:52 PM): you're joking
fizziecoffee (2:13:53 PM): hahahah
lymadelina (2:14:11 PM): just glad I'm not wearing mascara
fizziecoffee (2:14:18 PM): hahahhahaha
lymadelina (2:15:20 PM): I just retrieved my Coke from the freezer. mmmm slushy
fizziecoffee (2:15:30 PM): "Pope Benedict Keeps It On The DL. Turkey Opens Doors To Kurdish Minorities. Shah Comments 'WHOOPS'"
fizziecoffee (2:15:45 PM): Yummy, Coke slushy
fizziecoffee (2:15:57 PM): I am having plain ol' vanilla diet coke on ice
fizziecoffee (2:16:14 PM): it's SO synthetic. I'd almost swear I was drinking vinyl
lymadelina (2:16:59 PM): just drink water if you don't want calories
lymadelina (2:17:03 PM): why bother?
fizziecoffee (2:18:05 PM): oh, it's not the calories, it's the sugar I'm avoiding. I don't enjoy the hypoglycemic crash afterwards
fizziecoffee (2:18:34 PM): Makes me nauseous, gives me the shakes, headache, and shortness of breath
fizziecoffee (2:19:00 PM): it's not just an "ooh, I'm really tired now" thing
lymadelina (2:19:30 PM): hmm
fizziecoffee (2:19:33 PM): it's more of an "ooh, I really fucked up and shouldn't have had that much sugar all at once
lymadelina (2:19:34 PM): too bad
fizziecoffee (2:22:20 PM): Pope Declares All Non-Catholics Unclean. Shocking International Handshake with China...No Washie, No Savie! Millions Flock To Yangtzee River Baptize-Fest.
fizziecoffee (2:28:41 PM): I'm having visions of middle-aged men wearing plaid short shorts, knee-high white socks and white button-down shirts and blue ties, goose-stepping down the streets
fizziecoffee (2:28:59 PM): OMG, it's the Benedict Youth!
fizziecoffee (2:29:00 PM): RUN!
lymadelina (2:37:55 PM): don't forget the sandals

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

It's not a too-mah!

Well, turns out it's "just" a boil, a "follicular" boil. But a boil on one's privates is no ordinary boil. Add to the annoyance is an external yeast infection. So I'm taking antibiotics, which will aggravate the yeast infection. So once I'm finished with the antibiotics (in TEN days), I start on another medication to kill the yeast infection. I just hope the antibiotics work, and I don't end up having to have the boil LANCED. On the off chance that there's some staph around the house causing me these skin afflictions, I'm going to wash all the bedding with bleach. I just washed my blankets a week ago, but you can't be too careful if it's staph. At least it's not flesh-eating bacteria. Oy, vey.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

It's a too-mah!

More skin afflictions. I'm starting to feel like Job. Maybe I have leprosy. Or the plague. Most likely, it's just irritation caused by the lovely stress incontinence, but it could be Bartholin's gland cysts, a tumor, or (very unlikely) cancer. The indignity is worse than with the butt crack rash, especially since I haven't shaved my legs in, oh, a year maybe. Why bother? I can't reach the backs of them, so I end up looking like some weird skunk, with a hairy stripe down the backs of my legs. I was surprised to actually get an appointment today. I figured it would be a week, at least. So today, at 2:45, I get to cross the parking lot to the Patient Care Center here at the medical school and have my nether region investigated. Oh, the joy!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Walkies & Boiling for Dollars!

I've had lots of fun since I last wrote a week ago or so. Eric and I went out for his birthday. We met up at our new favorite bar, the Shamrock, which is owned by Logan's friend Matt McEntire, an honest-to-goodness Irishman. (It's not new; It just replaced JJ's Hideaway as our favorite is all.) He was running late, having gotten some last minute work he had to finish before beginning the weekend. So I walked from work to the Shamrock, thinking it was only about 6 or 7 blocks. Turns out, it was closer to 9 or 10. I was tired when I got there, and glad for the glass of cold water I had before ordering a vodka & 7. By the time Eric arrived, I had had three fuzzy navels as well - doubles, all of them, so my tired legs were no longer a bother. He generously closed out my tab and returned my debit card to me. Matt showed up, bought Eric a shot, and impressed me by remembering when I brought newborn Brighid in to see him at his old bar, a tiny hole-in-the-wall across from the Federal Building, years ago.

Chris, our favorite bartender, raved about the creme brule when Eric mentioned we were headed to Pappadeaux. So when we were ready to leave (after having divine seafood fondue, jumbo shrimp, seafood kibobs with lovely, meaty mahi-mahi, garlic mashed potatoes, and asparagus), Eric ordered a creme brule with raspberries to take back to Chris. It must have been good because our bar tab was only $28, and I KNOW we drank more than that.

Again, I had to drive home since Eric overdid it a bit on the birthday celebrating. We crashed into my bed to be attacked by vampire kitties. Or so it seems. Any time anyone gets still for a minute, a kitten (well, okay, the kittens are teenagers by now) will jump on him, go for the neck, and nurse on whatever clothing is handy, usually a tee-shirt. It just looks like the kittens are attacking, poor orphan kitties. Well, not really orphans, but plucked from their mother as soon as possible, the kitties have grown up thinking humans are their parents.

Saturday, we ran all over town with the kids in tow, first to the Dollar Store or is it Family Dollar? so Eric could by a gimmie cap to hide his hair, then to Mrs. Baird's for day old bread to feed the ducks. We then hit Golden Corral for the breakfast brunch, then Dollar Tree for "Cheap Chinese Stuff" as Brighid calls it, then to the duck pond on Trail Lake Drive. After feeding the ducks, we went to the Friends of the Fort Worth Library book sale, then to Y2 Komics so the kids could spend the money Uncle Eric gave them for no good reason. Okay, Brighid did clean Eric's car, but $40 to do so?!? Weyland made $40 for fetching a huge plate of bacon and ham from the buffet and for flagging down the "coffee boy". Eric was just feeling flush and overly generous, I suppose. We ended the spree by lunching at Charley's where Eric had an avacado burger, and I had a chicken mushroom sandwich, some really good homestyle fries, and a chocolate malt. I hadn't had one in years, so it was extra tasty. The kids, of course, had the usual: Weyland, cheeseburger, dry bread, lettuce, and Brighid, cheeseburger, dry bread. It was a wonderful weekend.

Monday when I got home from work, I was feeling particularly good, so Weyland and I took Bashful for a walk. Brighid was too engrossed by the internet and chatting IM with her "buds" to be bothered by taking her own dog for a walk. Weyland was all gung ho for it, though, so we walked. We started out behind the house, surveying the new construction that will eventually ruin the view from the kitchen window. We walked down the new dirt road all the construction vehicles have created. Lots of trees have been knocked down in the name of progress. We continued down the path 'til we got to the creek.

It was a LONG walk. Since we were so "far from civilization", in Weyland's estimation at least, I let Bashful off the leash. He ran, lept, sniffed, dug, and thoroughly enjoyed himself. He was so cute, bounding through the grass, very rabbit-like, his ears straight up, his tail wagging the whole time. But like I said, we walked a long way, so much so, that I had to sit down to rest about five times. I think the walk did all three of us good, though. Bashful had a blast, Weyland ran around collecting wildflowers, most of which we were able to identify using the excellent Wildflowers of Texas by the oddly named Geyata Ajilvsgi, and when we stopped, I felt muscles twitching which I had forgotten I had. Weyland looked much better with a little sun, his cheeks looking rosy, rather than their regular mayonnaise color, and his nose had cinnamon sugar sprinkles of freckles. (My freckles are pretty much limited to my arms, and in time, I suppose, be mistaken for liver spots.) All in all, a good time was had by all.

Gross out warning: Tuesday, I felt a sore spot on my back, so I had Logan look at it. Turns out, it was a nasty boil. Logan squeezed it, and gobs of gook came out. It still hurt the next day, so Logan squeezed it again. More sebaceous oil, pus, and blood this time. So every morning and evening, we got into the habit of pumping crud from the boil on my back. A couple of times, there was so much stuff under such pressure (which explains why it hurt so god awful much) that when Logan squeezed it, it spewed out on to his shirt, the wall, the couch, etc. Yesterday, Monday the 11th, was the first day it actually didn't hurt, and only a tiny bit of plasma emitted. It's itching now, a sign, I suppose, that it's actually healing. I've come to the conclusion that the increase in skin problems I've been suffering (rashes, discoloration, yeast, boils, & etc.) are due to morbid obesity.

Last night, (It's taken me a blasted week to write all this!), I felt like something the cat buried and the dog dug up. I've got a bad cold, complete with coughing, nasal congestion, and hawking up huge green loogies. My nose is getting sore from blowing it, even though Logan bought Puffs with lotion. I went straight to bed after work yesterday. Logan had taken off to Richard's house for a while, probably to fiddle with the sailboat. I called to tell him I needed chocolate. He was such a sweetie! I guess I don't give him enough credit. He came home with Hershey's Nuggets, my favorite of which are milk chocolate with toffee and almonds, Hershey's Kisses, Reeses' Peanut Butter Cup Miniatures, and milk chocolate Dove bars. I guess I'm not sophisticated enough to prefer dark chocolate. Give me sweet, creamy, luscious milk chocolate every time. Logan also fixed homemade chicken noodle soup with olive oil added and plenty of garlic. Olive oil and garlic will cure most ailments, as far as I'm concerned. That, and Tylenol #3 and half a Darvocet. My cramps were so bad yesterday, I almost took a muscle relaxer as well, but the combination of chocolate, soup, and pain pills had me floating. It was only my desire to watch Letterman that kept me awake past 9 p.m.

I'm still fighting the cold today, so I hope to have a hot toddy or maybe some mulled wine after work, and maybe tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. The only drawback to having a cold and being cossetted is that I can't breathe through my nose, so I can't use my CPAP machine at night, which means sleep apnea rears its ugly head again. But Gilmore Girls is a rerun tonight, so I might catch up on some sleep by going to bed at 7 p.m. I'm sure I can fall asleep that early. It's just a question of the kids letting me stay asleep. It makes me happy, just thinking about my soft bed, clean sheets, and a kitten or two cuddled up on the covers. The only thing that would make it better would be if Logan would snuggle with me, but since he doesn't want the plague, he's keeping his distance. At least he will cook for me when I'm sick. For all I say, I do love him. And I know he loves me. The drugs must be making me sappy. :)