Monday, January 11, 2010

What Came To Pass

So, what all has come to pass since I last wrote in 2007?  Well, Herbie, Dave, and the kids stayed about 7 or 8 months in Argentina, but came back due to medical reasons.  Herbie had a breast cancer scare, but thank heavens it turned out to be a bad infection and not an aggressive form of cancer.  Susan and I dropped everything and picked Herbie up from the airport.  She then went to Oklahoma to be seen by a cousin of Dave's who happens to be an oncologist.  Herbie had to have several weeks of wound care every other day or so as an outpatient at Arlington Memorial.  It was a harrowing experience for everyone involved, to be sure.

But the biggest bombshell in my life was the fact the Logan proposed to me.  We were married on July 11, 2008.  He proposed while in jail, and we were married by proxy while he was in jail.  It was a spur of the moment ceremony in a friend's backyard with Logan's apprentice standing in as Logan -- kinda fitting, in a way, if there had to be a proxy.  In reading about this type of ceremony, I discovered that many royal princesses and princes in medieval times were married with someone standing in for either, or even both, parties.

Logan wound up in jail because he pulled a shotgun on a Code Enforcement officer.  They were never able to come to an agreement about what Logan could or could not have in the back yard, and in the end, of course, they won.  Render unto Caesar.  They ended up hauling all his blacksmithing tools away, along with a welder, air tanks, lumber, and metal stock.  The stuff was worth about 25K.  So naturally, this is all my fault, and of course, Logan is now without the means to do any blacksmithing.  Though physically, I don't think he's capable of banging a hammer any longer anyway, but one doesn't want ones tools and supplies swiped by paper pushers who were seen to put some items in their personal vehicles.  Of course, we can't find a lawyer willing to sue the city.  But at least while Logan was in jail, he had a light bulb moment in which he realized that "the man" could possibly kill him if he resisted them, and that that would leave me and the kids up a creek.

So it came to pass.  I now have full VA dependent benefits - medical, a monthly stipend of a couple hundred dollars, and access to any base.  The kids and I took full advantage of swimming on base this past summer and visiting the base library.  And Logan has discovered a benefit to himself:  since I can go on base, he doesn't have to go grocery shopping if he doesn't want to.

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