Friday, July 28, 2006

A Moving Experience

I had a moving experience last night. And early this morning. And shortly after arriving at work. The gas pains are mostly gone. If I was a good friend like ERIC, who shall henceforth be referred to as just "a friend" since he got his knickers in a twist over my telling the world (or the handful of people I can count on one hand who actually read this blog) that he rolled his Dad's Cadillac one night after allegedly leaving a bar where he may or may not have imbibed several drinks, and then allegedly having to swerve to avoid another driver who allegedly came over into "a friend's" lane (can't use "he" again, as it is an ambiguous reference), but who am I to say since I wasn't there, and as such, this is all heresay anyway, then I would EMAIL YOU ALL A PHOTOGRAPH of the results of my many excursions to the toilet this past day. But I'm not that kind of friend. For which you may be very glad unless you secretly ... suffer? practice? (I can't think of how to term this.) coprophilia. Here's a link to the Wikipedia page on the topic, if you're interested:

This led to learning a fascinating fact: "The German colloquial term for scat fetishism is Kaviar." I'll bet that makes for some careful ordering when one wishes for caviar.

So. That's all I'm gonna say about that. ("Thank God," I can just hear you saying.)

In other news, Logan's staples and stitches were removed from his knee yesterday, and he was walking without his cane today. It's amazing how quickly he's recovered. His surgery was just two weeks and four days ago, and he seems almost back to... no better than normal. Next up, the left shoulder impingement which may be caused by a bone spur. For a really good diagram, point your browser to:

Anyway, that's enough about medical stuff. And lunch is over, so back to the salt mine!

Now, for your edifaction, ten artists (in no particular order) I've ripped to my computer at work so I can listen to something decent while I slog away here. All these artists move me in one way or another (sometimes, more than one):

Dean Martin
John Prine
The Smithereens
Bob Dylan
Ian & Sylvia
Robert Earl Keen, Jr.
Sisters of Mercy
The B-52s

So, what are YOU listening to, right now? Drop me a line at:

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