Thursday, May 19, 2005

I just had to share this

fizziecoffee: check out some new betty butterfield
fizziecoffee: and it's a whole new site.
lymadelina: I'll look at it at lunchtime
fizziecoffee: okay, ms. important person
lymadelina: I've got a two inch stack of invoices to put into the system
lymadelina: some of them are mom & pop type places
lymadelina: and a few will be paid by state checks, which can take up to a month to be cut
fizziecoffee: poor moms and pops
lymadelina: the state holds them to check and see if the business owner owes any state taxes, franchise fees, child support, etc
lymadelina: if they do, they apply the check to the outstanding balance
fizziecoffee: are you shittin me. that's AWESOME
lymadelina: nope
lymadelina: da troof
lymadelina: don't you wish you had that kind of power??
fizziecoffee: I also find it cunningly shitty, but for child support, no doubt
fizziecoffee: No, what I wish, is to be the omnipotent ruler of the universe
lymadelina: let's see... you owe me $25 for your share of the drugs I bought the other night
fizziecoffee: omg
fizziecoffee: lol
lymadelina: and I paid for the snacks and beer
lymadelina: so I'm taking $50 from your next paycheck
lymadelina: LOL
fizziecoffee: uh, yeah, your crack balance is overdue
lymadelina: wah!
lymadelina: then there's the dry cleaning bill for my shirt you wore and puked on
fizziecoffee: what's that? you need money for groceries? Okay, you can keep $1.25 for a can of pork and beans from the 7-11, but you'll have to make that stretch for a few days
fizziecoffee: omg, no, puking on my clothes is life imprisonment
fizziecoffee: or indentured servitude
lymadelina: hee hee
fizziecoffee: how's your gumline today?
lymadelina: slightly less holy
lymadelina: or holey
lymadelina: or wholly
lymadelina: or wooly
fizziecoffee: eeeuuuwww
lymadelina: still a tiny bit tender
lymadelina: still have to clean it with a qtip
fizziecoffee: I think there is a disease by that name
lymadelina: lol
fizziecoffee: wooly gums
fizziecoffee: or is that black hairy tongue? i can't remember
lymadelina: hahaha
lymadelina: slowly healing
fizziecoffee: unpleasantness
lymadelina: well, it was unpleasant having pain in that tooth everytime I ate something sweet, cold, or hot
lymadelina: so I guess it was good to get the tooth out since it couldn't be salvaged
lymadelina: well, it might could have, but would have cost a whole lot more
lymadelina: but looking at the tooth, the decay was pretty invasive
lymadelina: I don't see how it could have been a stable base for a crown
fizziecoffee: nah, better to just get a bridge or dentures
lymadelina: they would have had to have done a root canal and put a pin in to hold the crown
fizziecoffee: the screw-in kind
fizziecoffee: yeah, that's what I mean
lymadelina: well, it's the very back tooth on the right side, so it doesn't need a bridge
lymadelina: just learn to live without it
lymadelina: now if it was between two teeth, yeah
lymadelina: or I'd look like ma kettle
lymadelina: LOL
lymadelina: spit watermelon seeds through it
lymadelina: the gap, I mean
lymadelina: or chew tobacco
lymadelina: and spit through the gap
lymadelina: hahaha
fizziecoffee: hahahaha. hillbilly style
lymadelina: oh, now there's an idea: hillbilly barbie
fizziecoffee: it's been done. lol
fizziecoffee: I think if you google that, you'll find plenty
lymadelina: aw, man!
lymadelina: a day late & a dollar short
fizziecoffee: well okay
lymadelina: can't find a website with a hillbilly barbie
fizziecoffee: not through google?
lymadelina: nope
lymadelina: this is good, though:
fizziecoffee: okay, well, I'm sure there has at least got to be be a redneck barbie
fizziecoffee: that is SO damned funny...and frightening
lymadelina: omg, Gangsta Bitch Barbie
lymadelina: I love it
lymadelina: the best
lymadelina: sadly, no pics
fizziecoffee: those are great. See, i figured there were plenty out there
fizziecoffee: too funny
fizziecoffee: trash talker dolls
fizziecoffee: lol
fizziecoffee: go to werewolf barbies' daughter's father's website. Funny geek. Note baby in oven photo. Gotta love it. hahahahaahhah
lymadelina: I'd invite him to a party.
fizziecoffee: uh huh. His pet cow, Blanche
fizziecoffee: lol

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